Jelly fish are absolutely fascinating creatures of the ocean and they can ignite a barrage of great questions for your toddler or preschooler about their unusual features. With this in mind I’m sharing with you the instructions on a fun and engaging craft activity that teaches you how to make a simple paper bag jellyfish. […]
DIY Easter Sensory Bottle
There is such a wide range of sensory bottles or calming jars available to make at home. Following the success of my previous Easter sensory bottle, I thought I’d make another one that doesn’t include any liquid. Here is my DIY Easter Sensory Bottle that is easy to make to home and your toddler will […]
Insect Slime Kids can Make
Slime is all the rage in our house at the moment. We seem to have every different slime colour and texture that’s possible. To really add an extra element of gooey to the slime we came up with insect slime kids can make themselves. Play and learn about insects It’s highly likely that as an […]
Earth Day Fizzy Science Activity for Kids
Earth Day is a yearly event that occurs on April 22. It’s a day of demonstration of support for environmental protection and to raise awareness of the issues currently facing our planet. To be creative in our teaching of this important day, you might like to try this Earth Day fizzy science activity for kids. […]
Mixing oil and water science experiment
Science always sparks great interest and questions from children when involved in experiments. Encourage your child to learn about density of liquids by having prepared this mixing oil and water science experiment. It’s great fun and you can prepare it with only a few simple ingredients. Possum (aged 8 years) and Boo (aged 5 years) […]
DIY coin or penny paper plate spinners
It doesn’t matter what you call them, these DIY coin or penny paper plate spinners are great fun to make with your children. When they spin, the colors mix together and make a real show. I remember making these as a child, they absolutely capture my heart. What I especially love about them is that […]
Simple caramel and chocolate tartlet recipe
On the 25th April every year I make ANZAC biscuits. As a unique spin on the old classic, this year I decided to make a three ingredient, simple caramel and chocolate tartlet recipe that pays homage to ANZACs on ANZAC day. ANZAC day, if you were not aware, is a day that is precious to […]
Delicious honey joys recipe to make with kids
When your looking for a basic recipe with pantry ingredients, look no further than this delicious honey joys recipe to make with kids. Every school holidays I make an effort to get the kids in the kitchen. Possum (aged 8 years) and Boo (aged 5 years) love it. They can practice their cooking skills, we […]
ABC Alphabet Posters
I remember when I first landed a primary teaching position and had my very own classroom, an ABC alphabet poster set was the first thing I put up. As a new year starts, it seems very fitting to share with you a set I’ve created of ABC alphabet posters, which you can use at home […]
20 New Years activities for toddlers
Christmas is now over *phew* and so we now look to the beginning of a whole new year! As the count down begins, consider including your little ones with these 20 new years activities for toddlers. They are fun, entertaining and festive. Happy New Year!!! There is so much to love about new year celebrations […]
My plush zip, grip and buckle toy for fine motor skills and development
My friends, I’m shaking with excitement. After many, many months I’m thrilled to introduce you to Octi the octopus! He is my plush zip, grip and buckle toy for developing fine motor skills. You guys, I’ve always dreamed of selling my own unique toy, which I’ve designed myself and feel crazy, super proud of. I […]
Fun Halloween Mummy Apples
There are so many great ways to include a bit of Halloween fun into your child’s day. Take these fun Halloween mummy apples for example, spooky and delicious. Halloween is a really fun time of year and I have to admit, judging by all our Halloween ideas, this little Aussie is very much getting into […]
Number counting 1 – 10 activity pages
If your child is starting to enjoy learning more about numbers and counting then this number counting 1 – 10 activity pages is something they might like. With over 25 pages, it’s sure to challenge and delight them at the same time. Boo (aged 4 years) is really starting to show an interest in numbers. […]
Frozen hands science experiment
The weather has changed, it’s so much colder, but it didn’t stop us from doing a fun frozen hands science experiment. Possum (aged 7 years) and Boo (aged 4 years) absolutely love to engage in fun science activities and science experiments, we’ve shared lots of them already on the blog. Recommended ages: 2 years + […]
Rainbow matching activity using upper and lower case alphabet letters
Rainbows certainly bring a smile to your face and this rainbow matching activity using upper and lower case alphabet letters are no exception. Boo (aged 4 years) is really showing a great curiosity for the letters of the alphabet. She recognises letter formations that are found in her name and has some understanding that some […]
ANZAC Day activities and craft pack
ANZAC Day is always a day of great respect and reflection for those from Australia and New Zealand. Unfortunately there seems to be quite a lack of quality resources available to parents and teachers, so I decided to put together an ANZAC Day activities and craft pack. This ANZAC Day Activity, poster and craft pack […]
Cutting paper hair on cardboard dolls
I’ve spotted this idea floating around Pinterest and pinned it many times as something to try with Boo (aged 4 years). Finally got to it and this cutting paper hair on cardboard dolls activity didn’t disappoint. When I was young I used to love playing hair salons with my neighbours. This reminded me of that. […]
Fun activities for children in a wheelchair
If you’ve been following me recently, you’d know that my daughter Possum was involved in an awful accident that caused her femur to break. Yes, the strongest bone in the body – broken. It has been just awful and our little family have been thrown into an experience like nothing we could ever have expected […]
How to make quick and easy sausage rolls with your kids
Sausage rolls are always a crowd favourite, especially when it comes to feeding kids. Today I’m sharing a secret recipe with you. I’ll teach you how to make quick and easy sausage rolls with your kids! I have probably made this sausage roll recipe with my kids over two dozen times, they could probably make […]
Scissor cutting activity for kids
This super adorable scissor cutting activity is ideal if you have a toddler or preschooler who are developing their confidence in using scissors. This simple scissor cutting activity for kids to do at home or school is quick and easy to set up and fun. When Boo reaches for the scissors, I have to admit, […]
Paper cup weaving craft for kids to make and gift
Here is a paper cup weaving craft for kids to make and gift to a friend or keep themselves. It’s creates a decorative cup that you can store odd bits and pieces in. This craft is ideal for children of school age and you’ll find they struggle to stop at making just one. I find […]
Homemade pizza that kids can make themselves
I don’t know about your place, but pizza is always a winning meal in our home. With so many of us juggling picky little eaters, I thought you might be interested to learn my approach to making homemade pizza that kids can make themselves! Homemade pizza that kids can make themselves Early evenings can be […]
Fun making Wombat Stew with your kids
Have you ever had fun making Wombat Stew with your kids? The girls and I love reading the Australian classic children’s picture story book. It makes us laugh, learn and fortunately no wombats are harmed at any point in the book. I love Australia Day. It happens once a year and I look forward to […]
Cut and paste nature art activity
If your looking for a quick set up activity that will engage and entertain children of all ages, then get them to do this cut and paste nature art activity. It’s a wonderful way to get them outdoors, into nature and thinking creatively. It’s holidays at the moment *ahhhh* and whilst I love the […]
DIY sequinned Christmas bauble kids can make
Christmas trees are popping up everywhere and with so many gorgeous decorations. Here is a simple DIY sequinned Christmas bauble you might like to make with your child. The sparkle on the tree and last a life time. I’m always taken back to my childhood at Christmas when the girls and I open up my […]
Drawing with wet chalk
When your children are starting to really lose the plot and you’re looking for a quick and simple activity then ask them to do some drawing with wet chalk! Your children will think you come up with the best ideas and you might even have time for a coffee as they play! Don’t get me […]
Netflix kids shows to download to make travel with kids easier
Please note that Netflix is constantly updating their program, so some of the following suggestions may not be available. We all know that travel with kids can be difficult and involve lots of planning. One thing I never forget to do is find some great Netflix kids shows to download to make travel with kids […]
Simple soapy bubble play for toddlers and preschoolers
Just like children are drawn to playing with water, children can also be just as attracted and fascinated by soapy bubbles in water. It might seem obvious, but simple soapy bubble play for toddlers and preschoolers is easy to set up, fun to watch and great for sensory development needs. Anytime we have bubbles in […]
How to make fun paper springs
When you’re wanting a quick activity for your children, who are complaining of being bored, then I have the perfect idea for you. Check out below how to make fun paper springs with your children. They look gorgeous and are wonderful for developing fine motor skills. It’s school holidays here in Australia at the moment […]
Simple paper bag doll craft for kids
When you’re looking for a craft that your children can do and it doesn’t need many materials, don’t go past this sweet idea. It’s a simple paper bag doll craft for kids to do either at home, on school camp or just as a cute craft to make in the classroom. I’ve been feeling very […]
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