When your looking for a basic recipe with pantry ingredients, look no further than this delicious honey joys recipe to make with kids. Every school holidays I make an effort to get the kids in the kitchen. Possum (aged 8 years) and Boo (aged 5 years) love it. They can practice their cooking skills, we […]
Decorating iced biscuits
My children absolutely love decorating iced biscuits. I don’t mind it either because it’s not as messy a process, as opposed to baking mixtures. It also allows the kids to be as creative as they like with what lollies they want to add to each biscuit. When you’re looking for a quick and easy cooking […]
My plush zip, grip and buckle toy for fine motor skills and development
My friends, I’m shaking with excitement. After many, many months I’m thrilled to introduce you to Octi the octopus! He is my plush zip, grip and buckle toy for developing fine motor skills. You guys, I’ve always dreamed of selling my own unique toy, which I’ve designed myself and feel crazy, super proud of. I […]
Fun activities for children in a wheelchair
If you’ve been following me recently, you’d know that my daughter Possum was involved in an awful accident that caused her femur to break. Yes, the strongest bone in the body – broken. It has been just awful and our little family have been thrown into an experience like nothing we could ever have expected […]
Magnetic reward chart for kids to use at home
Parenting children can be really difficult. Sometimes we all need a little extra support to guide out little ones through challenging stages or to reach important milestones (hello, toilet training!). I’m beyond excited to introduce you to a product I’ve designed and created myself! It’s a magnetic reward chart for kids to use at home. Magnetic […]
How to help your child through separation anxiety
When your child struggles with separation anxiety it’s tough, very tough and not just for the child. As a parent with a young preschooler who struggles and as a teacher who has seen it all before, I thought I’d share my thoughts on the topic and my research on how to help your child through […]
12 fruity lunchbox jokes for kids
Kids seem to love a good, unexpected surprise and so I’ve put together 12 fruity lunchbox jokes for kids to read while they eat their lunch at kindergarten or preschool. Best news is they are yours for FREE! 12 fruity lunchbox jokes for kids It seems so hard to believe that it’s March and in […]
Netflix kids shows to download to make travel with kids easier
Please note that Netflix is constantly updating their program, so some of the following suggestions may not be available. We all know that travel with kids can be difficult and involve lots of planning. One thing I never forget to do is find some great Netflix kids shows to download to make travel with kids […]
Simple Play Dough recipes and activities ebook with printables
Does your child love to play with play dough? ‘Play Dough’ the ebook is packed full of simple play dough recipes, fun activities and printable play dough mats. It is available for download today! Play Dough: simple recipes and fun play ideas ‘Play Dough’, is an ebook that will take your child’s love of play […]
Top things to try with the whole family on Xbox One S
Technology and how we use is constantly evolving and I’m always trying to keep up with latest releases. Thanks to Xbox, I’ve been given the opportunity to enjoy their latest console and put it through its paces. Let me share with you all the top things to try with the whole family on Xbox One S […]
What to watch on Netflix when your kids are in bed
You know it well, that moment you have all children tucked up in bed asleep and you can take a deep breath and finally enjoy a little #metime. I go straight for the peppermint tea and Netflix remote. It’s my ideal combination. For a bit of fun I thought I’d share with you some suggestions […]
How to build confidence in your child
As a parent it can be hard to know how to build confidence in your child, especially when they live in a world that can make anyone feel self conscious. In todays post I’m going to share with you how I work on empowering my daughters and giving them the confidence they need to be […]
Red memorial poppy craft using a cupcake liner
Here is a red memorial poppy craft using a cupcake liner and a few other basic pieces. This is a sweet little craft for kids to make in the lead up to ANZAC Day or Remembrance Day. The red poppy has long been used as a symbol of war remembrance for ANZAC Day (April 25th) and […]
101 ideas and activities siblings can do together printable
I know you know what I’m talking about. Having children is difficult and it can feel even harder when they are different ages and have different interests. To solve this problem that so many parents can relate to, I have a gorgeous FREE printable for you. It’s 101 ideas and activities siblings can do together printable. They are […]
#52weeksofplay weekly photo challenge 2017
Wow. Never in my dreams did I expect to get such a huge response to the 2016 #52weeksofplay Instagram photo challenge. We have seen close to 2000 photographs tagged with #52weeksofplay. Click here to Join In – 2017 I’m SO excited to reveal the new list that will begin 1st January, 2017! I have to be […]
How to bake sweet potato chips in the oven with kids
Do you have a child who is a fussy eater? Well with this recipe you will never look at a sweet potato in the same way. Let me show you how to bake sweet potato chips in the oven with kids and get them to be involved and actually enjoy eating them. It’s seriously so […]
How to manage your child’s screen time – Netflix
Today children are around a lot more screen media than they ever were. With this fact it’s important parents and classroom educators are aware of how to manage screen time when it comes to children as it is possible to use it in such a way that can enhance learning. Television has come a very […]
ABCs and 123 ebook
It is with great excitement that I announce the released of my latest downloadable ebook, which I have contributed to with a group of other wonderful play based bloggers. It’s called ABCs and 123s. This fabulous resource for parents, teachers, grandparents and carers is packed full of over 40 tried and tested play activities that your children will love and […]
12 tips to help your baby stop crying in the car
Do you have a baby or young child who struggles with travelling in the car? You are not alone. Both my children absolutely hated their car seat and travelling in the car. Over the years there have been a few things I’ve tried and has proven to work, so hopefully my 12 tips to help your baby stop crying […]
#52weeksofplay: Happy
Wishing you all a very happy and healthy 2016. Lets kick off this photo a week challenge I’m calling – #52weeksofplay. I’m seriously so excited and can’t wait for you to all join in. Todays word is – HAPPY! This word prompt is for January 1st to January 7th, 2016. How to play It […]
Photos of Play challenge for 2016 – #52weeksofplay
I don’t know about you, but I take a lot (and I mean, a LOT) of photos of my kids and their everyday play. I know that I’m also not alone. So with this in mind I have decided to start an exciting weekly photo challenge in 2016. I’ll also be using the hashtag – #52weeksofplay‘ […]
Dandelion wishes in a Jar
These beautiful dandelion puffs are so beautiful. Do you have any in your garden? They can be a lovely decoration when placed in a jar, investigated individually under a microscope or loving offered to a child who might like to make a special wish. Who wouldn’t want some dandelion wishes in a jar? Okay, so my garden […]
Wooden toys children would love to receive as a gift
I recently received an email from someone asking what wooden toys children would love to receive as a gift and if there were any that I’d recommend. Wooden toys are certainly a great choice to make over plastic toys. I’m not rejecting children playing with plastic toys, all play is beneficial, but if budget allows then there are some reasons for […]
How to give your baby a simple and loving massage
It really is possible for parents to give a simple and loving baby massage and incorporate it into daily routine. Massage is relaxing and research has revealed that routine touch and massage is critical to a baby’s growth and development, communication and learning. In this post I am going to share with you some simple and […]
Why do babies put everything in their mouth?
Why do babies put everything in their mouth? It can seem like one of the great mysteries of parenthood. In this post I share with you the reasons why everything that your baby grasps goes straight to their mouth and suggest a product that will help you manage this time of crazy sensory exploration. Boo […]
This is a sponsored by Johnson’s ® Johnson’s ® is a company name that is familiar to most people. It’s a brand with products that have certainly stood the test of time and become trusted by mums, dads, caregivers, nurses, midwives, just to name a few. In actual fact, Johnson’s® has been setting the global standards in baby […]
Teach children to tie their shoelace
Tying our shoes is something we do as adults and often without thinking. As children get older they also need to learn how to tie their own shoelaces independently. It can be challenging. Here is a simple tool that you can make at home can help teach children to tie their shoelace and have fun […]
Preparing your child for preschool
Now seriously, where does the time go? It only feels like yesterday that I was bringing home my first born from hospital, but fast forward three years and I’m suddenly finding myself sending my little Possum off to preschool. It’s quite hard to believe that we have reached this point already! Despite all that, I was […]
Surviving the nappy change wriggles
It’s almost as soon as your child discovers the joy of their legs that nappy changing time can become a huge and upsetting struggle. Changing a nappy can be so difficult and some children just seem to simply not like their nappy changed. As a parent who has experienced this, I have a few tips to surviving the nappy […]
How to organise a baby change table
I’m due to have baby number 2 very soon and to celebrate that I thought I’d share a few posts on preparing for a baby. Today I share how to organise a baby change table. With one little Possum, who is almost 3 years old, I can look back on things I did well (or not so well) […]