My friends, I’m shaking with excitement. After many, many months I’m thrilled to introduce you to Octi the octopus! He is my plush zip, grip and buckle toy for developing fine motor skills.
You guys, I’ve always dreamed of selling my own unique toy, which I’ve designed myself and feel crazy, super proud of. I can’t believe I’ve done it and it’s now selling (very quickly) on Amazon.
My plush zip, grip and buckle toy for developing fine motor skills
Being a parent and teacher, I’ve pulled from my experience everything I know about children and their daily challenges, struggles, wants and needs. Then I’ve packaged it into my plush zip, grip and buckle toy for fine motor skills and development. YAY!
They are all bundled up into this adorable octopus toy, which is overall a fine motor zip, grip and buckle toy.
Like my magnetic reward chart, which I released last year, this interactive toy is full of features that your child will love and learn from.
He also compliments many of the fine motor activities I’ve shared.
What ways can my child play with this fabulous octopus toy?
Such a great question, because I really wanted Octi to be educational, fun and engage your child for as long as possible.

Benefits of your child playing with Octi the octopus toy
Connect together the grippy straps
– hand eye-coordination
– develop fine motor skills for writing and grip
Color match the velcro straps
– identifying and matching colors
– learn names of shapes
Experiment with the connectable straps
– expand creativity
– develop experimentation skills
Click the buckle together and apart
– develop understand of cause and effect
– gravity when hung
Slide the zip open and closed
– develop fine motor skills
– opposites of opening and closing
– empathy for storing precious pieces
– imagination
and SOOOO much more!
If you were interested to learn more –

I’ve been so amazed by the response from people who have purchased my activity toy. It really warms my heart.
Thanks to those who have already purchased. Stock is absolutely selling!!
If you decide to purchase your own education Octi toy for someone special, be sure to get in touch with me and let me know what you think!
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