Jelly fish are absolutely fascinating creatures of the ocean and they can ignite a barrage of great questions for your toddler or preschooler about their unusual features. With this in mind I'm sharing with you the instructions on a fun and engaging craft activity that teaches you how to make a simple paper bag jellyfish. How to make a simple paper bag jelly fish Making a paper bag jellyfish is a fantastic craft project that will not only keep your little one entertained but also help them develop important skills. Plus, it's an opportunity to learn more about these fascinating sea … [Read More...]

Dinosaurs in ice – excavation sensory activity for kids
There is no doubt that dinosaurs are incredibly popular amongst many young children. They often find them thrilling and fascinating at the same time. Here I'm going … [Read More...]

DIY Easter Sensory Bottle
There is such a wide range of sensory bottles or calming jars available to make at home. Following the success of my previous Easter sensory bottle, I thought I'd … [Read More...]

Rainbow Painting Snow Art for Kids
This delightful and educational activity that not only encourages kids to venture outside but also sparks their creativity and learning. It's rainbow painting snow … [Read More...]

Insect Slime Kids can Make
Slime is all the rage in our house at the moment. We seem to have every different slime colour and texture that's possible. To really add an extra element of gooey … [Read More...]

Earth Day Fizzy Science Activity for Kids
Earth Day is a yearly event that occurs on April 22. It's a day of demonstration of support for environmental protection and to raise awareness of the issues … [Read More...]

Teach children about money with jars
Teaching children to be responsible with money can be challenging, especially when they so often see us wave our cards to make any purchase. Actual physical money … [Read More...]

Mixing oil and water science experiment
Science always sparks great interest and questions from children when involved in experiments. Encourage your child to learn about density of liquids by having … [Read More...]

Simple apple and raspberry crumble recipe
Here is a simple apple and raspberry crumble recipe that you can make with your children. Ideal for when you want to whip up a quick and easy dessert at home. … [Read More...]

DIY coin or penny paper plate spinners
It doesn't matter what you call them, these DIY coin or penny paper plate spinners are great fun to make with your children. When they spin, the colors mix together … [Read More...]

Coffee filter butterfly craft for kids
Simple and fun is this beautiful coffee filter butterfly craft for kids. They are quite easy to make and use only a few materials too, so it's hard to stop at making … [Read More...]

Weather lacing cards
These themed weather lacing cards are not only gorgeous, but they can also many a great talking point when learning about different types of weather. Not only that, … [Read More...]

20 kitchen scraps you can grow with kids
Inspire the green thumb in your child with this collection of 20 kitchen scraps you can grow with kids at home. You'll be amazed at what you can simply grow at … [Read More...]

Simple slime recipe with foam balls
Here is a fun and simple slime recipe with foam balls. Your children will love the texture and you'll be surprised how easy it is to make! Slime has certainly … [Read More...]

USA Patriotic sensory bottle
Ignite your US patriotic spirit this memorial day, the 4th of July, Presidents Day and throughout the year with a gorgeous USA patriotic sensory bottle. Using red, … [Read More...]

Simple caramel and chocolate tartlet recipe
On the 25th April every year I make ANZAC biscuits. As a unique spin on the old classic, this year I decided to make a three ingredient, simple caramel and chocolate … [Read More...]