My friends, I’m shaking with excitement. After many, many months I’m thrilled to introduce you to Octi the octopus! He is my plush zip, grip and buckle toy for developing fine motor skills. You guys, I’ve always dreamed of selling my own unique toy, which I’ve designed myself and feel crazy, super proud of. I […]
Magnetic reward chart for kids to use at home
Parenting children can be really difficult. Sometimes we all need a little extra support to guide out little ones through challenging stages or to reach important milestones (hello, toilet training!). I’m beyond excited to introduce you to a product I’ve designed and created myself! It’s a magnetic reward chart for kids to use at home. Magnetic […]
Wooden toys children would love to receive as a gift
I recently received an email from someone asking what wooden toys children would love to receive as a gift and if there were any that I’d recommend. Wooden toys are certainly a great choice to make over plastic toys. I’m not rejecting children playing with plastic toys, all play is beneficial, but if budget allows then there are some reasons for […]