Gone are the days of getting the kids to play with boring paste scented playdough. YUCK. Let me share with you how to make passionfruit scented playdough that your children will struggle to keep their hands off. It is infused with passionfruit and completely irresistible. You’re children will ask for it over and over again. […]
Chocolate bird nests your kids can make at home
Brace yourselves because here are some delicious chocolate bird nests your kids can make at home! They are so easy to make and you only need 3 ingredients. Perfect to prepare for kids birthday parties, to enjoy over Easter or to simply have as a sweet treat, this is one recipe you should keep aside and […]
Quick, easy, no-bake chocolate mint slice recipe
I love cooking with my kids and here is a quick, easy, no-bake chocolate mint slice recipe that you’ll want to try with your kids too. It is wonderful because it only uses 4 basic ingredients and allows children to mix, stir, pour etc. This simple recipe can be served an enjoyed at birthday parties when you a special guests coming […]
Fun food idea for Australia Day – koala in a creek
I’m a very proud Australian and so I find Australia Day an important one to celebrate with my family and friends. For a bit of fun, I have put together a delicious Australia Day food idea that kids (and adults) will absolutely love, it’s a koala in a creek! Of course real koalas are usually found […]
How to roast pumpkin seeds for a crunchy snack
Are you giving your children the same snacks day after day? Well, if you’re looking to offer them something a little different, and within keeping of Halloween that’s fast approaching, I encourage you to read on and learn how to roast pumpkin seeds for a crunchy snack idea. Pumpkin would have to be one of my favourite fruits! […]
Simple lemon slice recipe
Here is a classic and very simple lemons slice recipe is hard to go by. It’s easy because it’s no-bake, uses very few ingredients and is simply delicious to eat. I’ll admit, I find it hard to go past a good lemon slice. Its delightful tang and biscuity base is my little slice of heaven. […]
Easy banana cupcake recipe
Here is an easy banana cupcake recipe kids can make and enjoy as a delicious afternoon snack. The ingredients are commonly found in the kitchen pantry and can be done without a great deal of mess and fuss. Enjoy! I confess I’m not a fancy cook, a simple recipe suit us just fine. Possum (aged 3 years) and […]
Easy chocolate cupcake recipe
Congratulations, you’ve found it! Here is a delicious, quick and easy chocolate cupcake recipe that you can whip up at a moments notice. They are also wonderful to make with kids. These cupcakes are diary and egg free, so perfect for children who suffer from food allergies (or have friends that do) and are moist and delicious. Our […]
Fairy playdough recipe
This fairy playdough recipe with 3 ingredients is so easy to make and great for fine motor development and open-ended play. We called this ‘fairy dough’ because of its unique, soft texture. Possum (aged 3 years) loves all the fabulous resources I create for my online store, but play dough is certainly one of those things […]
Cook healthy kale chips with kids
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you would have heard of kale. It’s a super vegetable that boasts as being one of the healthiest available. Fortunately it’s now easy to buy and possible to cook healthy kale chips with kids that they will eat by the bowl full. Give it a go! It can […]
Vegemite and cheese scrolls
These bite-size vegemite and cheese scrolls will have you making a baking them with your children time and time again. They are quick to make and are a great addition to any school lunch box. Perfect for any Australia Day gathering too! I wouldn’t dare tell you how many of these delicious Vegemite and cheese […]
How to make chocolate crackles
Do you know how to make chocolate crackles? They are a delicious sweet treat for children that use very few ingredients are usually gobbled up quickly at kids birthday parties. What’s even better, they are so simple that children can get involved in the making process! Chocolate crackles take me back to my childhood. I remember them always being […]
Glittery Goo
This glittery goo was so very easy to make and can be whipped together using only 3 ingredients. Often called ‘oobleck’, this sparkly oozy recipe is great fun for children to play with independently or as a group. This type of activity is wonderful for children of all ages to engage in and great for their sensory development. The oozy goo […]
Weetbix slice kids can make
Weetbix slice kids can make I love getting into the kitchen and cooking with Possum (2.5 years) whenever I can. I admit I’m not a fancy cook, but fortunately kids are far from fussy when it comes to pouring in the flour or mixing everything into a bowl. Cooking is also a great indoor activity. Here […]
How to make sherbet
Learn how delicious science can be! This post shares with you how to make sherbet that’s fizzy on your tongue, delicious and creates wonderful chemical reaction that will amaze. Kids love science and this is one activity that also provides a sensory taste sensation that some might really enjoy. Here is a basic recipe in how […]