Learning about numbers and number formation using tin foil is a wonderful fun activity for kids. It’s hard to believe, but all you need is tin foil! It’s amazingly simple and lots of fun. Possum (aged 5 years) is very good at reading and we have focused quite a lot of learning letters and phonic […]
Simple lemon slice recipe
Here is a classic and very simple lemons slice recipe is hard to go by. It’s easy because it’s no-bake, uses very few ingredients and is simply delicious to eat. I’ll admit, I find it hard to go past a good lemon slice. Its delightful tang and biscuity base is my little slice of heaven. […]
Playing with nuts, bolts and washers
Your children will love playing with nuts, bolts and washers. Sure they aren’t something you’d first think to offer your child to play with but they really are fun and great for developing fine motor skills and other important mathematical concepts. One of Possum’s (aged 3.5 years) favourite places to visit is our local hardware […]
Simple counting activity for children
Here is a fun and simple counting activity for children. It’s very easy to set up at home or in the classroom, can be designed to suit individual needs and will help children build and consolidate their understanding of identifying numbers and how it’s represented using pompoms. Numbers are everywhere and it isn’t until your 3.5 […]
Yarn wrapped shapes
Children will develop a greater understanding of basic shapes and their features with this fun and simple wrapping activity. Yarn wrapped shapes will also help children develop their fine motor skills. I love when learning activities are educational, simple and fun. Possum (aged 3 years) likes talking about commonly found shapes and has a developing understanding of […]
Sticker Matching Activity
Here is a fun sticker matching activity for kids. It’s great to do with children who are beginning to recognise similarities and differences and making connections between objects and pictures. It’s wonderfully easy to set up too! Possum (almost 3 years) has quite an obsession with stickers! Are your children the same? It’s an obsession […]
Guess the Objects covered in Tin Foil
Children love simple guessing games and so here is a quick and easy one for you to play with your toddler. All they are required to do is guess the object covered in tin foil. Object Permanence It’s quite incredible what children learn from objects that are out of their direct view. You may have heard me […]
Sorting between big and small
Toddlers love being given simple little roles of responsibility and it gives them a great sense of achievement when they complete a given task. That is why I thought I’d tap into that and have Possum (2.2 years) engage in a simple activity that would have her sorting between big and small objects. Great activity to […]
Easter Puzzles for kids
Easter is fast approaching and so I thought I’d share a great learning activity that your kids will enjoy. Here are simple easter puzzles for kids. They are fun and educational. To make Easter puzzles you will need Pre-cut easter foam shapes Scissors If you’re unable to purchase them you can simply cut an egg […]