The simple look of a candy cane brings Christmas cheer to a room. They are the special little treat that can be enjoyed only for a short time of the year and have inspired bloggers and crafters alike to be creative. Thank you to all those who linked up this week. I look forward to seeing […]
10 Christmas Ornaments to make & hang
It is an exciting time of year for those who celebrate Christmas. Here are 10 really great Christmas ornaments that you and your child could make and hang on the tree. Thank you to all those who contributed. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Button Christmas Tree Ornament – Happy Hooligans Personalised Star Ornament for Kids – Powerful Mothering […]
Share It Saturday – 5 clever painting ideas
As a blogger I find myself exposed to some really talented and creative people who have ideas that would be great done at home or in a classroom setting. What I also like are the types of activities that don’t cost a great deal (if anything at all) and are simple to set up. Here […]
Share It Saturday – 10 simple ways to entertain the kids this weekend #2
You may remember a recent ‘Share It Saturday‘ collection I did called, ‘20 ways to entertain the children this weekend‘. Well it was incredibly popular and so I thought I’d do another one that showcases the many talents of bloggers from all over the world. I decided on the following activities because I felt they […]
15 easy Halloween crafts and activities
BOO! What an amazing time of year it is with Halloween fast approaching. It isn’t massively celebrated here in Australia, however, every year it is clear the tradition is growing. To help get you into the spirit of Halloween I have gathered some sensational Halloween crafts and activities that are easy and fun for the […]
Share It Saturday – 10 educational and creative preschool activities
I don’t really remember much about my days as a preschooler and I certainly don’t remember doing activities as brilliant as those I’m about to show you as part of my weekly ‘Share It Saturday’ collection. I decided on sharing the following posts as I felt they suited the preschool environment well and were educational, […]
8 simple pumpkin activities for kids
Here are 8 simple pumpkin activities for kids that you can do this Halloween. It’s hard to believe that it’s October already! Where does the year go? This time of year was clearly reflected in the many Halloween related links ‘Share It Saturday’ has received the last two weeks. I thought I’d share with you some […]
Share It Saturday – 10 activities using recycled materials
Here are 10 activities you can do with your children that use recycled materials. Recycling is so important for the health of our environment and how we live. Here are some sensational activities that you can do with your children at home that highlight the recycling message in a fun and playful way. Easy Apple […]
Share It Saturday – 20 ways to entertain children this weekend
Here is a collection of 20 activities children can do on a weekend! Because sometimes the weekends can feel long for children and parents never like hearing ‘I’m bored‘. ART ACTIVITIES Painted Stick Instruments – TwodalooDot Painting – Danya Banya Salad Spinner Art – Mama to 5 Blessings Nature Collage – P is for Preschooler […]
Share It Saturday – Linky Party
Laughing Kids Learn is almost a year old! This blog that was once teeny tiny is growing right before my eyes, much like my little 19 month old ‘baby’, Possum. Just letting you know that I’m still searching for the pause button on that little one. LOL Of course with growth comes opportunities and so […]