Inspire the green thumb in your child with this collection of 20 kitchen scraps you can grow with kids at home. You’ll be amazed at what you can simply grow at home
20 kitchen scraps you can grow with kids
Children can so easily have a very false sense of where food comes from. They come with us to the grocery store, watch as we pick items off the display shelf and bring it home.
Now more than ever we recognise the importance of knowing where our food comes from, so we can make well informed choices about what food goes into our bodies.
Fortunately, growing food scraps can be incredibly rewarding for your children and in fact the whole family! It’s like free food!
Here are 20 kitchen scraps you can grow with kids.
Lets get into it.
Grow Romaine Lettuce Indoors – Laughing Kids Learn
With a few simple steps, you’ll quickly see lettuce start to sprout from your lettuce stump. Provided it has a little water and sunshine, growing this vegetable scrap is so much fun and and very rewarding. As lettuce looks to draw up liquids, it makes this a quick growing option and suitable for impatient kids.
Grow a Carrot Top – Laughing Kids Learn
Kids love crunchy carrots and rarely do they see them with their long, green tops on. This vegetable scrap option is a great idea as your child can prepare the set up themselves quite easily. Show them the beginning of a carrot sprouting with this great idea.
Grow a Pineapple Plant – Reuse Grow Enjoy
The top of a pineapple is usually the first thing to be chopped off and discarded. Grow your own pineapple at home from the spiky top. Watching the roots on this one is a winner.
Indian Corn – Things to share and Remember
Just look at this amazing corn sprouting and growing more corn!
What else can be grown?
Regrow Ginger From Scraps – Reuse Grow Enjoy
Planted in a small amount of soil, ginger is a great root vegetable that can easily be grown from your household scraps. Yay, free ginger and a great talking option about how we eat the root!
Grow Lemongrass From Kitchen Scraps – Crafty For Home
Lemongrass is a great option. ‘Crafty For Home’ teaches us that lemongrass isn’t just wonderful to eat and enjoy in recipes, but it also makes an attractive household plant.
Grow Turnips Inside – Dianne Sutherland
Do you remember the book ‘The Enormous Turnip’? Read that with your children and then go about growing one!
Grow Green Onions in Water – Dream State Inspiration
Depending on your location, they can have different names. Sometimes called green onions, scallions or spring onion, these vegetables are look adorable when placed in a glass jar and can be super fast growing. You can often see growth within an hour.
Regrowing Bok Choy – 17 Apart
Who doesn’t love Bok Choy?
Simple and fresh tasting lettuce that lots of children enjoy. Find it a really great vegetable to add to cooking dishes for a fresh and crunchy taste. Just like the lettuce shared above, it’s a nice one to set up and easy to grow. Results arrive quite quickly.
Growing Potatoes – Montana Homesteader
Hard to believe that it really is that easy to grow potatoes, well unless you’re like me and forget about them in the back of the pantry. Whoops!
Sweet Potatoes – Home Steading Freedom
Sweet potatoes are delicious and when you grow them at home they almost become a character, as their tiny sprouts begin to grow.
How to Grow Tomatoes – The Hearty Soul
Tomatoes are so delicious and are easy to grow at home. Great to grow in the garden, the beginning stages can start the growing process indoors.
Here are some more ideas
Grow Strawberries From Scraps – Real Self-Sufficiency
Children love strawberries and they are very quick and easy to grow. You can create your own little plant indoors before transferring it outside to take off and produce fruit!
Grow Garlic in Your Kitchen – The Tiny Funnel
Everyone seems to want garlic on hand when cooking and it’s wonderful to know that it can so easily be grown. Kids can watch it over time.
Basil – Gardening Soul
Basil is a great herb to have on hand and children can grow it easily in their home. Check out the link above for inspiration.
Growing White Potatoes indoors – Kimberly Stone
Just look at those stalks growing from the indoor potato plant! Absolutely amazing and it would be great to see it grow over a short period of time.
Grow Onions at Home For Free – Gardening Tips
Simple steps to growing your own onions!
Growing Mushrooms with Kids – Teach Beside Me
The list of vegetable scraps that can be grown continues.
Growing Beets from Scraps – Kimberly Stewart
The purple of the beets is hard to pass. They are certainly going to be fun to grow and a talking statement for when your visitors arrive.
Avocado Seed – Invincible House Plants
Avocado on toast is a childhood favourite and growing your own avocado plant from a seed might be something you want to consider to keep up supply.
What food scrap do you think you’ll grow first?
Be sure to check out my other popular posts and recipes –
[…] Grow plants from your kitchen scraps like Laughing Kids Learn. […]