Children love making reindeer food at Christmas time as it attracts Santa’s reindeers when it is sprinkled outside on Christmas Eve. Here is a simple reindeer food recipe and printable bag topper that you might like to use. Of course children can make them for themselves or give them as gifts to friends. Can you name all the reindeers? I get a bit confused after Donna and Blitzen. Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer would have to be one of my favourite songs though. Fortunately this reindeer food attracts all of Santa’s reindeers. 😉
So let me share with you how to make this reindeer food. It’s super simple and we know from experience that reindeers find it attractive and delicious. Children will be developing their skills in scooping, pouring and mixing ingredients. Such a simple recipe for kids to make. For a little something extra, don’t forget to print off my adorable reindeer bag topper.

- Rolled or cut oats
- Sugar
- Glitter and/or confetti
- Love
- Mix all of the above ingredients together.
- Add it to a ziplock snack sized bag
- Print and make bag topper.
- Secure with a staple or double sided tape.
- Recipe measurements are not important when making this reindeer food.
- Have your child make their own special recipe using the above ingredients.

Reindeer Food Bag Topper
Because I love you guys so much I’ve made an adorable bag topper for your reindeer food. It’s super cute. One side says ‘reindeer food’, while the other side has this little rhyme of instructions –
Sprinkle this reindeer food outside tonight, The moonlight will make it sparkle bright. As the reindeer fly and roam, This will guide them to your home.
I’m really enjoying making printables and the response I’ve received from you guys has been really positive. I have no doubt you’ll see more printable in 2016. Below is a guide to putting your bag topper together. Like I’ve said, these really make wonderful gifts.
Simply download the printable below and carefully cut them out. Fold them in half and attach them to the ziplock bag using a stapler or double sided tape, as we have done above.
Click for your – Reindeer Food Printable
Psst! It is always appreciated to receive a comment below from those who download my printables.
Once you’ve made your reindeer food, placed it inside a ziplock bag and added your bag topper. Then as Christmas Eve draws to a end your child can sprinkle it outside in the garden or make a pile of it near the front door. Merry Christmas everyone and thank you for your constant support.
Would you like to see me make more printable bag toppers?
For more Christmas ideas –
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♡ Thanks for bring the Joy!
You’re welcome Ruth! So pleased I could help you out.