Here is a simple activity for your preschooler!
It will teach them to recognise, name and differentiate between colours as well as improve their fine motor skills through use of the tweezers.
All you need to do this activity is –
coloured patty pans
matching coloured pompoms
To start, I firstly inverted one of the patty pans and sat it inside another.
This will make it easier for your little one to know what colour is to go where.
I set up my colour sorting station like this!
Children can hold tweezers many strange and interesting ways.
You might like to demonstrate to your little one how to hold the tweezers.
This will ensure they build up their fine motor muscles in their fingers.
This is not important but I found I had a few pompoms that I couldn’t colour match
to the patty pans I had around the house. I set a little dish aside for a collection of pompoms that didn’t have patty pans. This adds another level of learning to this activity.
I would also encourage as much language as you can while this activity is being done.
Some questions you might like to ask your child during this activity
‘What colour are you going to do first/last?’
‘Which colour do you think will have the most/least pompoms?’
‘Can you count how many blue pompoms you have?’
‘How do you know that pompom belongs in that patty pan?’
‘How many pompoms do you think you have all together?’
‘If we did this activity again do you think you would be faster/slower?’
Making it real
You might also like to see if they can match some of the pompoms to items from around the house. This ensures your child is getting a ‘real-life’ experience and connecting
their learning to their surroundings.
I hope you and your little one enjoys this activity.
Love Kate
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Such a colourful activity! We have some big tweezers for this kind of sorting, the kids have lots of fun with them 🙂
Fabulous!! And so easy too!
Love colour activities! 🙂 I like the use of tongs/tweezers too… 🙂
You are so smart! I’ve been trying to figure out some sort of inexpensive cup for color sorting and you just found it for me. Love it! I can’t wait to try it out with my little boy. Thanks too for stopping by my blog :-).
Visiting from Tuesday Tots. My Family-Focused Monday hop is live now and I would love to see one of your awesome posts linked up @
Have a wonderful week.
coin operated kiddie rides
I like the idea of inverting the cupcake liners
I love this color idea with the cupcake liners and pompoms.