Play dough is great fun for kids, especially when you know how to make peach scented play dough. It’s so easy to make and the delicious scent will have your children playing with for a whole lot longer than you ever expected them to.
The learning benefits of children playing with play dough is really quite endless. Anna from ‘Imagination Tree’ outlines it well in this post. The amazingly pliable dough is wonderful for developing those fine motor skills and can open up all sorts of creative and imaginative play.
I especially adore when play dough is scented because it adds another sensory level that children really enjoy. I recently wrote a post with instructions on how to make mint scented play dough, which became quite popular and I know you all found of great interest.
So let me introduce you to another delicious scented play dough, peach!
How to make peach scented play dough
2 or 3 peach infused teabags
I chose to add some coloured food colouring to really enhance the peachy orange colour. In the end this peach scented play dough looked and smelt absolutely INCREDIBLE!
If the weather is fine enough you’ll always find us doing our activities outdoors. I simply presented Possum (aged 2.5 years) with the wonderful peach scented play dough, a few coloured bowls and a nice collection of twigs and leaves. These were all found in our garden. Possum loved the idea of adding a few outdoor bits and pieces to her play, which helps make it more of a personal play experience for her.
It was a really love experience watching Possum play with her peach scented play dough. I felt that it was quite calming and she began talking about how what she was doing was changing and turning into different small worlds, such as a special fairy garden. What she was doing involved quite a degree of concentration and planning.
How devine is the scent of a peach? It makes me think go summer and all things fresh. Possum and I will no doubt enjoy lots of delicious stone fruit as the weather warms up but until then we will continue to enjoy this wonderfully scented play dough. As you can see, learning how to make peach scented play dough is really very easy and I hope you find some time to make some yourselves.
What fruity scents do you enjoy?
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