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Like all parents, I want the absolute best for my children. I want them to be empowered, to feel confident and be able to strive and enjoy all the opportunities life has to offer.
There are times, however, that I want to just wrap my two girls up in cotton wool, lock all the doors and protect them from anything that might cause them harm, sadness, discomfort, anxiety… and the list goes on.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s wonderful to see them grow up and experience new things, but there is a part of me that doesn’t want them to learn any of the hard lessons. I want them to be Super Heroes with powers to cope with the tough times, even when I’m not around.
How to empower your child
So the question remains, how do we empower our children to manage those difficult times when we aren’t around? Here are some ideas that I believe could help build a child’s sense of empowerment and build them up to feel like Super Heroes –
Making choices
It’s important, even at a young age, that children are given an opportunity to make choices. It helps them to build confidence and feel empowered. It also helps them to develop good judgement and cope with a variety of situations as they grow older. Of course, it’s a good idea to offer very young children small choices between two options.
Don’t fix your child’s everything all the time
Children need to be given an opportunity to problem solve and fix any issues themselves, rather than always be rescued from them. As parents we need to step back because then children learn that it’s okay for things to not go the way they’d hoped and that their feelings are normal.
Model a positive attitude
Help your child learn to see things as a glass half full, rather than half empty. If they are feeling sad, angry, disappointed then offer them some helpful and supportive words that will encourage them to think how things could be improved or changed next time.
Encourage their interests
Empower your child by demonstrating that their interests are important and valued by you. Take the time to find out what your child really enjoys and encourage them in that field.
Into the future
Enjoy little conversations with your child about the future. Empower them to dream and dream big. If a child can envision themselves being successful and doing something important and fulfilling when they grow up they will certainly feel more empowered and confident. If they dream to be a superhero, for example, don’t discourage them, encourage their dreams instead.
Of course children learn so much through their own experiences and as tempting as it can be to want to jump in and ‘save them’, with the right kind of ongoing encouragement and support, children will build their sense of empowerment over time.
With thanks to Warner Bros. Consumer Products, you can win one of 10 prize packs! Each pack is valued at $50 and includes one of each of these adorable soft and cuddly baby rompers.
1 x DC Comics Baby Romper in Batman style (RRP $25)
1 x DC Comics Baby Romper in Superman style (RRP $25
To enter, simply leave me a comment below telling me –
What super power would you love to have and why?
Competition now closed.
Maybe you’d like the power to click your fingers and have your house sparkling clean or dinner ready and served on the table. What would your superhero power be?
Terms and Conditions
- This giveaway is unfortunately only open for Australian Residents Only
- The prize packs are only available in size 00
- Competition concludes on Monday 29th Feb, 2016 at 9pm (EST)
- The winner will be chosen based on originality and creativity of their comment
- Entrants will need to provide a valid email address
- Winners will be contacted via email. If you have not left a valid email address for us to contact you with, someone else will be drawn instead. Winners will need to contact me and provide their postal address within 48 hours or the prize/samples will be reallocated.
Cute giveaway – I would love the power to known when people are being untruthful. I think that would be pretty powerful!
Yes, yes and yes! Love all your empowerment suggestions – they are what we do in our family too. If I were to have a superpower, it would be to stretch and shrink time. How good would it be to be able to shrink that hour lost waiting in the line at Medicare, and instead stretch the time you have playing in the park? Haha, one can dream!
I’d love to be able to fly, just because it would be awesome!
These are so adorable! I don’t have a bub anymore so I won’t enter, but I just love them.
Oh these are the cutest and I have two friends having boys so know exactly where two 00 rompers could go!! 🙂
I’d have to say I’d want the super power of mind reading… I think it would help eliminate lots of misunderstandings in the world – or my world at least!! 😉
I’d love the super power of getting all the cleaning done in the blink of an eye!!!! 😉
The rompers are adorable. I would definitely love a cleaning super power. Dishes washed and floors vacuumed with the blink of an eye. With two little super heroes of our own, keeping the house clean certainly requires some sort of super power 🙂
I’ve always wanted to travel with the blink of an eye – from here to Paris and then back again!
The power to slow time, or at least give me a few more child-free hours in a day to read, and get stuff done! There’s never enough time.
Oh I would love to teleport – to visit friends and family scattered around the world. Pop to Nee York for a bagel, London for a pint, Shanghai for a dumpling, Dubai for a swim..
That or world peace ?
‘Super’ cute giveaway, hehe 🙂 I would like the super power of cloning myself. Sometimes one of me is just not enough and I need to be in two places at the same time. With 3 kids, a husband, studying and working, this would really come in handy.
Too cute!!! I just superhero dress ups to help kids with imaginary play and just feeling awesome 😉 I would love the superhero power of spreading happiness 😀
Cute rompers…they should make them in big kid sizes too! My super power would be to be able to know the right thing to say when someone comes to you and needs help or advice!
What gorgeous onesies! I would love these for baby Archie! As a new mum, I would wish to have the superpower of knowing why my baby boy is crying. Sometimes when I’m sleep deprived and he has been unsettled and I’ve tried everything – feeding, changing, putting down for a nap – I would just love to know what’s making him upset so I can help him make it better!
Lovely suggestion. I’d have to go with a superpower that allowed me to fly! I could launch off and escape the worries of the world with the wind whistling through my hair. Imagine the feeling of freedom! I’m sure I could also use my flying super powers to help rescue people who need help and it would also be handy for visiting friends. haha 🙂
Great power. I always wanted to fly as a child.
Thanks for you entry Debs.
The super powers to have vision in the back of my head !!
Imagine all that you’d see!!!! Hahaha
Thanks for your entry Simone.
I would love the power to achieve the impossible, whatever you can imagine, powerful dreams becoming reality. Tap into the true potential of the mind and unlock , discover secrets that go beyond our universe.
Great answer Cleo. Thanks.
Sounds amazing.
Thanks so much for your entry Cleo.
The power to heal..from cancer to broken hearts..and everything in between
What a wonderful power that would be Andreea.
Thank you so much for your entry. 🙂
Adorable! I would want the power to refill things – my bank balance, my chocolate box, my wine glass lol
Oh can you just imagine what that would be like!!!!! Great thinking Melissa.
Thanks for your entry.
I am a mum and foster mum to 4 boys with autism. I would love the super power to be able to get inside their heads and experience life through their body even for a few hours. To be able to understand them in this way would help me be able to help them.
Otherwise the power to suck in my stomach 24/7.
Both of those powers sound amazing Lesley. *giggle*
You sound like an amazing mum.
Thanks for your entry. 🙂
Invisibility. To be able to see just what really happened in the kitchen BEFORE the food somehow managed to leave the table and end up EVERYWHERE! It’s not the cat, I am convinced it isn’t!
Hahaha great choice of super power Scott. You made me laugh.
Thanks for your entry. 🙂
I would love the power to be able to be able to create food out of mid air. I would love to be able to click my fingers and voila, fried chicken. It would also be great in solving world hunger.
Great thinking Daniel. Thanks heaps for your entry! 🙂
I’d love the ability to foresee the near future so I can stop my kids BEFORE they empty all the talc powder, coffee, paint, sugar and whatever else they can get there hands on, all over the floor. I’d also be able to prevent all my groceries being opened and one bite taken out of each and every biscuit, banana, apple, slice of bread…….etc.
Can you just imagine Kylie! That would be amazing. LOL
Thanks for your entry.
My superpower would be to have the laundry be done in a flash!
Oh Lucia, I hear you on that one. LOL
Thanks for your entry.
To morph into a animal and run free, lay around, be served meals and sleep
Oh WOW!!! That would be super cool.
Thanks for your entry Leanne. 🙂
I would like to be the Whinge Distiguisher. One look from me could freeze a whinge in its tracks and turn it into a giggle !
Hahahaha that sound awesome! Great thinking Angela.
Thanks for your entry.
Wall Crawling. Climbing up buildings and hanging from the ceiling like a spider like Spiderman sounds pretty awesome. Not necessarily useful, but it’d be fun!
Totally agree Kirsten, super fun. 🙂
Thanks for your entry.
I would love to be able to make it snow.its so fun to play in with the kids helps their coordination and
aim when throwing…better yet I can stop the ice caps from melting and save my
polar bears so my kids and future generations can enjoy they majestic beauty and way of life
What an idea!!! Sounds terrific.
Thanks for your entry Michele.
A sock finding super power! Like a metal detector in my hands it would attract those pesky socks that always go missing in the wash!
You are speaking my language Blake. I have no idea where socks go!
Thanks for your entry. You made me laugh.
Thankou Kate, I replied to your fantastic email 😀
When I was young, I wanted to be able to move objects like Matilda. Now, i’d like to be able to only sleep 2 hours and feel fully rested. How things have changed.
Oh I hear you Jimmy. It would be a life changer.
Thanks for your entry. 🙂
I would love the power to heal so I could keep my loved ones pain free and healthy 🙂
What a wonderful power that would be. Thank you very much for your entry Anita. 🙂
I would like the super power to click my fingers at lunch time and my grandchildren will appear under the table for our picnic together every day ?
That is so gorgeous Annette. Lovely.
Thank you kindly for your entry. 🙂
To have invisible powers, then i can really watch the kids playing without them stopping when they realise I’m watching.
I love that idea Teresa. It would be great for me and my children.
Thanks for your entry.
I love everyones comments above. I’d love to be able to see in the future so I know what to write as the winning entry…… Those outfits are just adorable – my partner and I are always fighting over who is better – Batman or Superman!!!
Hahaha what a clever answer Bridget! You gave me a laugh.
Thanks for your entry.
Being able to understand what baby’s are saying, I guess my little one is thinking “dad your so silly when is mum coming home”
That sounds like a great superpower Paul. You sound like a fun dad.
Thanks for your entry.
The power to stop all babies crying. I would be in high demand and no one would ever have to hear a baby cry again
Belinda I need this superpower, especially when in the car.
Thanks for your entry.
My superpower would be to create world peace so the entire world could heal and no more wars so all the children in the world could be happy and empowered…just imagine the possibilities if everyone in the world worked together for the enhancement of mankind.
Liza I love your ideal superpower. Thank you for your entry. 🙂
My superpower would have to be – to know what my baby is thinking and wanting – ….oh yes and my dog too.
To be a baby mind reader would be wonderful. Dos mind reader would be awesome too!
Thanks for your entry Linda. 🙂
I’d love to be able to clean my house with the point of a finger or the wink of an eye. I can think of so many more wonderful things to do instead of clean, but I’m afraid for me it’s a necessary evil.
Imagine all the other things you could do with your time if you had your cleaning done so quickly!
Thanks for your entry Maggie. 🙂
Having any kind of superpower would be pretty beneficial.
Most of all I have always wished I could control time – I’d love to have a ‘pause’ button not only so I could catch up on those menial tasks but so that I could truly relish every moment with the kids that are growing up way too fast!
Time control would be AMAZING! I could certainly benefit from that. LOL
Thanks for your entry Amanda.
I’ve love to be a selective mind reader. I wouldn’t want to have it all the time, but only when I wanted to. It would help me so much on those sleepless nights when I have no idea what bub whats!
Yes, I needed this super power last night! Thanks Marianna. I appreciate your entry.
I’d like to pause and bend time – so I have enough of it!
Oh I need this super power in my life. Hahahaha
Thanks Becky for your entry.
Would love invisibility I could do anything. Plus I just gave birth 4 days ago so this size would be perfect for my little maverick for winter.
Wow Jessica, you’re a champion. I hope you and bub are doing well. I’d love moments where I could be invisible too. LOL
Thanks for your entry lovely. 🙂
I would love to be able to travel anywhere I want instantly, simply by thinking about it, both in present times, past and in the future. That way I could see the world, stop bad things from happening and cause a lot of good in the lives of my friends and family.
Oh WOW, what an awesome power that would be! Great thinking Sarah.
Thanks for your entry!
I would LOVE to have the Flash’s superspeed to catch up to my son who is already faster than me!!
Little kids can be SO FAST! Great idea Krystal.
Thanks for your entry. 🙂
As a busy Mum I would love to have super speed and get things done, correctly in half the time!
Oh that sounds amazing! Thanks for your entry Tamara
Invisibility – perfect for when I spot me mother-in-law in the distance!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha that seriously cracked me up laughing.
Thanks for your entry Abby.
It would be amazing to grow an extra arm when needed and actually have eyes in the back of my head. With a toddler who is always getting up to mischief, and another one on the way it would definitely come in handy. Even without kids it would make things so much easier and quicker.
Hahaha that’s an awesome idea! Great thinking Candice. I’d love that too.
Thanks for your entry.
I’d love the power to understand what my baby is saying/crying about before they can talk. How great would it be to know what their babbling about and why they are so upset (even if their reason sends unreasonable to us lol)
So often have I wanted this super power Daniela. Great thinking!
Thanks for your entry.
Definitely to cure sick children with a click of a finger! its horrible seeing our little ones and others suffering
Belinda that would be a really precious gift, to cure sick children. Lovely thinking.
Thanks for your entry.
To fly would be great and so convenient
I’ve always wanted to be able to fly. I used to dream about it all the time as a child.
Thanks Alison for your entry. 🙂
I wold love the power to grant people their wishes, too many deserving people are going without
So beautiful and very true Michelle. Love your thinking.
Thanks for your entry. 🙂
I’d wiggle my nose and all my housework would be done. What a domestic goddess superpower!
That would be such a dream of mine too. Oh can you just imagine!!!!!
Thanks for your entry Sharon. 🙂
I’d love to fly as it will make the commute to work a breeze!
Oh it absolutely would Mikaela. Thanks for your entry.
The ability to time travel. While it would be fun to see some of the greatest moments in history or prevent some great disasters, just think – You could stop the disasters happening in your own home. Your child didn’t make it to the bathroom? Zing, yes they did! Coloring on the walls? Kapow, not anymore! No more accidents, no more spills. No more infuriating doctors bills. Just a happy child, a happy wife, and me with the secret to a happier life!
Plus, if I didn’t win this ‘super’ prize I could go back and change my answer to the winning entry, woohoo!
Oh now that just sounds AMAZING! Love your thinking Simon. You made me laugh too.
Thanks for your entry. 🙂
I’d love to be able to see into the future so I can reassure my daughter her child’s fine. He’s already a hero in my mind – 3rd time lucky IVF, survived ICU at birth -he’s a fighter!
Wow, what an amazing little guy. I love your idea of looking into the future Caroline.
Thanks for your entry. 🙂
I’d love to be strong,
To help out when things go wrong!
Like if a car is on a ridge,
Or stablising and failing bridge.
Hahaha love that little poem Laura. Very clever.
Thanks for your entry. 🙂
My super power would be to know what my toddler is trying to say to me rather than me just nodding and smiling!
Hahahah it can be so tricky when little ones are trying to communicate. You so much want to know what they are saying.
Great idea Alison. Thanks for your entry.
The ability to put my daughter to sleep with a kiss and a cuddle.
I’ve just been trying to get my little one down for the past half an hour. I totally need that super power too.
Thanks for your great entry Kelly.
to be fast so id never be late to anything
Oh that would be so very handy. Great thinking Teresa.
Thanks for your entry.
Would love the power of time travel. Way too many times I think of something utterly hilariously witty to say, but it’s 5 minutes too late! I need to go back and wow everyone in the conversation properly 🙂
Lyn I totally get you! I do that all the time and wish that I could go back and say something clever. Great idea.
Thanks for your entry. 🙂
Being a stay at home dad i would like the power to never require sleep, i could get twice as much done and wouldn’t need to complain about early starts 🙂
Oh that’s a great idea! I always wish for more sleep but to never need it would be great too.
Thanks for your entry Steve.
My ultimate super power would be being able to see into the future. Making decisions has always been a struggle for me, so it would certainly simplify my life.
Oh good idea! I could certainly use that super power too.
Thanks for your entry Sarah.
I would love the super power of patience. I never have enough patience especially when dealing with my kids. It would be great to have more of that and less of the grumpy Mum.
I always thought I was patient until I had children Kaali. Parenting is a tough gig. LOL
You’re not alone, thanks for your entry.
The superpower to clean up the kids mess with just the thought… and then I’d make a Clean getaway!
I think I would wish for this super power almost every single day Roberto! LOL
Thanks for your entry. Good one.
The power to get through a day of pregnancy without vomiting or feeling like I need to fall asleep at any moment!
Oh dear Laura. It sounds like you are going through a tough stage of pregnancy. Oh bless your dear heart. Lots of love to you and bubs.
Thanks for your entry.
I would love to be able to fly. I’ve always wanted to be able to, the freedom, the speed and being able to see all new places and be home before my parents woke up.
Oh I’d love, love, love to be able to fly. That would be so amazing.
Thanks for your entry Kate. 🙂
I would love the power to fly so I can see the world and escape when I need a little alone time.
To be able to heal myself and others, so my children would never get sick, and could heal cancer etc
Just saw these gorgeous onesies. I would love to be able to stop time. I could then do all my chores during the ‘stopped’ time and go get a massage during normal time. Plus I could keep my boy younger for longer 🙂