- piece of cardboard
- safe to touch items from your garden
- Hot glue gun (adult to use)
Possum had a wonderful time exploring her new nature sensory board. It was great to be able to talk about what she was touching, describing how it felt in order to make connections and see her compare the differences between each item.
“Possum, point to the rock. Point to the flower”.
She also discovered how some of what we added to the sensory board would come apart or remain unchanged. What a great discovery!
pauline@lessonslearntjournal.com says
Love it Kate! So easy and I am sure the kids would love it. They’re already foraging out there. Spring has come indeed 🙂 xo P
Danya atDanyaBanya says
Great! I can imagine how my daughter would play with this glued sensory board very differently than if the items were left unglued and loose. Might have to try this one 🙂