Your children will have lots of fun learning and decorating a Christmas tree at the same time with this ‘Build a Christmas Tree’ subitizing game.
Search Results for: christmas
Christmas trees activity matching upper and lower case letters
A Christmas tree activity resource that has students matching upper and lower case letters of the alphabet. Make learning fun with this great resource!
2 x Santa Christmas Wish Lists
Inspire writing and thinking with these 2 x gorgeous Santa Christmas wish lists.
DIY sequinned Christmas bauble kids can make
Christmas trees are popping up everywhere and with so many gorgeous decorations. Here is a simple DIY sequinned Christmas bauble you might like to make with your child. The sparkle on the tree and last a life time. I’m always taken back to my childhood at Christmas when the girls and I open up my […]
Toddler Christmas activity using sticky contact paper
I love Christmas for many reasons, but one big reason is because it’s something that the whole family can enjoy and get involved in. The Christmas crafts and activities are a highlight for our family. This toddler Christmas activity using sticky contact paper was one we enjoyed doing yesterday. Toddler Christmas activity using sticky contact […]
Painting Christmas gift wrapping paper
This post may contain affiliate links. I may receive a small commission from any purchases made. Christmas is a time for giving and our family loved to go to the effort of painting Christmas gift wrapping paper. It’s so simple and children as young as toddler age can do it. I was at the store […]
Christmas sensory bottle for babies and toddlers
Sensory bottles are always a popular play item amongst babies and toddlers. They are engaging and can be the perfect object to introduce during those moments when a sense of calm is needed. What is even better, it’s easy to learn how to make a sensory bottle for children. Below is an adorable Christmas sensory […]
Little Christmas tree craft made from a cupcake liner
Here is an adorable little Christmas tree craft made from a cupcake liner and a few other bits and pieces. Gorgeous on a Christmas card or on display, it’s perfect for preschoolers or prep-k and beyond to make with quite a bit of independence. This Christmas craft using cupcake liners also helps children develop skills in […]
Disney inspired Christmas wrapping paper
Possum (aged 4 years) absolutely loves Minnie Mouse. She has a mountain of dress up costumes but the Minnie Mouse costume gets the most use. To be honest, I don’t blame her. I adore everything about Disney and their many wonderful characters. For me, Disney Junior is a wonderful example of how beautiful and exciting storytelling […]
Surprise Christmas ornament
Here is a Christmas ornament like no other. It’s a Christmas ornament with a special hidden surprise inside. Your children will be kept guessing what special gifts are hiding inside and they will not be able to find out until Christmas Day when they can remove them from the tree and unravel them. This is sponsored by Australia […]
Candy Cane Christmas Bark
Christmas is very exciting and of course it’s a time that chocolates and candy lollies are overflowing. For a bit of fun I made candy cane Christmas bark. It’s really yummy and make a gorgeous gift idea for friends and family. Even better, kids can help make it! Christmas bark is wonderful because it’s so simple and […]
Free printable of a simple Christmas activity calendar 2015
The morning of Christmas Day is such a highlight of the year for me, however, I have to admit that I also love the whole build up to the special day. With this in mind, I’ve made us a free printable of a simple Christmas activity calendar 2015 that has a wide variety of simple Christmas activities children can do. It will keep […]
Free printable children can use to write their Christmas wishes
It’s hard to believe that Christmas is so close. To help your child get into the spirit and excitement of this wonderful time of year I have created for you a free printable children can use to write their Christmas wishes. At the start of this year I had a goal, which was to create my […]
Simple Christmas Santa Beard craft
Here is a simple Christmas Santa beard craft that your kids, especially young preschoolers, will love to make. Using only a few basic materials, your children will love engaging in imaginary play and you’ll do doubt hear them call, “Ho, ho, ho”. Before you roll your eyes for me already getting into the swing of Christmas […]
Christmas angel using a paper roll
When Christmas arrives it’s always ridiculously chaotic and busy. It is for this reason that I find myself choose fun activities that aren’t going to add extra stress with lots of different materials, mess or be something that takes days to complete. This adorable little Christmas angel using a paper roll is one such activity […]
Create a Christmas Scene with Rice
Christmas is such a visual time of year. It brings joy to my heart to see lights appear on indoor Christmas trees at night and community decorations make their yearly show on telephone poles and shop front windows. Here is a great activity that you can do with children. Using coloured rice (tutorial can be […]
Christmas playdough and cookie cutters
Christmas time is such a wonderful time of year and it’s nice to be able to break free a few seasonal cookie cutters that have been hiding at the back of my over packed cooking utensil draw. Each year I try and bake some cookies for friends and family but this year I […]
Delicious Christmas gingerbread recipe
Gingerbread is wonderful to make with children over Christmas time. Here is a delicious Christmas gingerbread recipe that your sure to want to keep in the recipe book to make year after year. Growing up we didn’t have many traditions but one we did have was to share a store bought gingerbread house […]
Milk Carton Christmas Ornaments
There is a real air of excitement around this coming Christmas Day. Possum will have turned 2 years old and its already becoming very clear to us that she is quickly working out what all the fuss is about. She loved helping her daddy bring our Christmas tree to life (yes, it’s fake) […]
DIY Christmas Sleigh Bells
These Christmas sleigh bells take only minutes to make. They can become great gifts and create a cheery sound when they are used by children. It will guarantee to put a smile on your face when you hear them. I recently came across a post by ‘My Nearest and Dearest’ where Ann had made […]
10 Christmas Ornaments to make & hang
It is an exciting time of year for those who celebrate Christmas. Here are 10 really great Christmas ornaments that you and your child could make and hang on the tree. Thank you to all those who contributed. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Button Christmas Tree Ornament – Happy Hooligans Personalised Star Ornament for Kids – Powerful Mothering […]
Christmas Toast
Create a cute little surprise for someone special this Christmas by giving them some Christmas Toast. Simply mix a few drops of food colouring in a teaspoon of milk and create your message. Obviously your only limited to your creative mind with this one. You can toast the bread as normal and […]
DIY Christmas Stocking
It has always been a tradition in my family that we each have our own Christmas stocking that is placed out for Santa to fill with all sorts of treasures on Christmas Day. It is this Christmas that I’m considering this as Possum’s FIRST Christmas, the previous one was a complete blur from her being […]
USA Patriotic sensory bottle
Ignite your US patriotic spirit this memorial day, the 4th of July, Presidents Day and throughout the year with a gorgeous USA patriotic sensory bottle. Using red, white and blue stars, this sensory bottle will help your kids celebrate, learn to self-regulate and calm down. I have a confession, I’m not actually American. I’m actually […]
20 New Years activities for toddlers
Christmas is now over *phew* and so we now look to the beginning of a whole new year! As the count down begins, consider including your little ones with these 20 new years activities for toddlers. They are fun, entertaining and festive. Happy New Year!!! There is so much to love about new year celebrations […]
My plush zip, grip and buckle toy for fine motor skills and development
My friends, I’m shaking with excitement. After many, many months I’m thrilled to introduce you to Octi the octopus! He is my plush zip, grip and buckle toy for developing fine motor skills. You guys, I’ve always dreamed of selling my own unique toy, which I’ve designed myself and feel crazy, super proud of. I […]
12 super fun ways to have fun on a trampoline
There are so many super fun ways to have fun on a trampoline, regardless of age. Here are 12 super fun ways to have fun on a trampoline, as we excitedly demonstrate on our new trampoline from Vuly Play. Sponsored by : Vuly Play Having grown up with a trampoline as a child, I couldn’t […]
Fun activities for children in a wheelchair
If you’ve been following me recently, you’d know that my daughter Possum was involved in an awful accident that caused her femur to break. Yes, the strongest bone in the body – broken. It has been just awful and our little family have been thrown into an experience like nothing we could ever have expected […]
Reindeer food recipe and printable bag topper
Children love making reindeer food at Christmas time as it attracts Santa’s reindeers when it is sprinkled outside on Christmas Eve. Here is a simple reindeer food recipe and printable bag topper that you might like to use. Of course children can make them for themselves or give them as gifts to friends. Can you name […]
Minnie Mouse threaded garland
This is a fun craft activity that preschoolers will love to make over Christmas and that has been inspired by the world famous Minnie Mouse character from the Disney Junior channel, which can be viewed over on Foxtel. It’s a threading activity that will help develop fine motor skills and improve children’s understanding of patterns. It […]